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Wildlife Sightings -28/11/2023

Weather: Icy
River Wear Tide Level: mid

Wader Lake Species

Lapwing - 5

Teal - 61

Snipe - 1 (On the island)

Black-headed Gulls - 26

Herring Gulls - 11

Shelduck - 2

Kestrel - 1

Nuthatch - 1 (Singing in treeline)

Jay - 2

(On footpath)

Goldfinch - 8

Redwing - 5

Hawthorn Wood Bird Feeding Area

Bullfinch - 1

Long-tailed tit - 6

Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1

Robin - 1

Blue Tit - 3

Great Tit - 5

Bird Species Noted Around Site

Grey Heron - 1 (Forgotten Meadow)

Grey Heron - 1 (Saline lagoon)

Kingfisher - 1 (Singing) (Saline Lagoon)

Black-headed Gull - 6 (Saline Lagoon)

Other wildlife Species Noted on site:

Flora / Fungi:

Glistering Inkcap - 25 (Saline Lagoon)

Milk Fungus - 10 (Spring Gill)

Orange Jelly spot - 5 (Hawthorn wood)

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