Wildlife sightings - 29/12/18

Wader Lake (AM, high tide):

Water rail 1

Teal 53

Grey heron 4

Shelduck 15

Curlew 40

Northern shoveler 3

Greylag 35


Saline lagoon (AM, high tide):

Curlew 43

Teal 48

Grey heron 2

Redshank 1

Shelduck 2


Hawthorn Wood feeding station:

Great-spotted woodpecker 2

Chaffinch 17

Bullfinch 14

Blue tit 9

Robin 2

Brambling 4

Great tit 7

Redpoll 1

Goldfinch 11

Nuthatch 1

Coal tit 2



Woodcock on Hidden Meadow 1

Cormorant on the River Wear 1

Tufted duck at the reservoir 7

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