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Wildlife Sightings - 29/08/2023

Weather: sunny spells

River wear tide level: low


Wader Lake:

Avocet - 2

Ruff - 1

Lapwing - 280

Curlew - 1

Teal - 24

Gadwall - 5

Shoveler - 2

Greylag - 4

Canada Goose - 1

Hawthorn Wood:

Greenfinch - 1

Robin - 1

Blue tit - 2

Chaffinch - 3

Great tit - 2

Other birds noted on site:

Willow tit - 1 (Centre Feeders) (un ringed)

Goldfinch - 46 (Duckery)

Goldcrest - 1 (Play area)

Black-headed Gull - 30 (River wear)

Common Gull - 1 (River wear)

Herring Gull - 4 (River wear)

Oystercatcher - 2 (River wear)

Black cap - 1 (Wader Lake path)

Jay - 2 (Hawthorn Wood)

Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1 (South Wood)

Other Wildlife Species spotted around site:


Red Admiral

Common green Shield bug

Hawthorn Shield bug

Hairy Shield bug (Sloe)

Lace Web Spider

Flora / Fungi:

Clustered Brittlestem


Hemp Agrimony

Field Scabious

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