Wildlife Sightings - 30/01/2022

Weather: Sunny

Wind speed: low

River wear tide level: low


Wader lake:

Tufted duck - 2

Shoveler - 9

Teal - 42

Shelduck - 15

Wigeon - 2

Mute swan - 2

Herring gull - 26

Black-headed gull - 8

Lapwing - 12 ( 3 on the lake - 9 on the meadow)

Common snipe - 1

Grey heron - 10 ( 1 on the lake - 9 in the hedge)

Saline lagoon:

Water rail - 1

Common snipe - 2

Other birds noted around site:

Great spotted woodpecker - 3 (South wood 2 / Hawthorn wood 1 )

Siskin - 30+

Jay - 3 (Wader lake path)

Mistle thrush - 2 (Wader meadow)

Goldcrest - 1 (Hollowood)

Hawthorn wood:

Bullfinch - 6

Chaffinch - 5

Jay - 2

Long-tailed tit - 2

Wren - 1

Robin - 4

Blackbird - 2

Lookout feeding station:

Willow tit - 1

Dunnock - 3

Robin - 2

Bullfinch - 2

Other Wildlife species around site:


Roe deer - 5 (Spring Gill wood)

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