Wildlife Sightings for 12th April 2023

2 Wheatear on the marsh. Marsh Harrier and Yellow Wagtail over. 1 Sedge Warbler, 8 Willow Warbler, Dunlin and Reed Warblers on site

8 Willow Warbler - entrance lakes, south route, sheltered lagoon, wildside

1 Yellow Wagtail - heading south west

1 Sedge Warbler - marsh

2 Wheatear - marsh

8 Blackcap - south route, world wetlands, wildside

8 Reed Warbler - singing in the reedbed, main lake, sheltered lagoon, south route, wildside

3 Swallow - over main lake and reservoir lagoon

4 House Martin - over main lake and marsh

50+ Sand Martin - over site

11 Chiffchaff - across the site

6 Reed Bunting - marsh, main lake, sheltered lagoon

1 Marsh Harrier - flying east 07.15

1 Dunlin - scrape

2 Little Ringed Plover - scrape

Great Spotted Woodpecker and Green Woodpecker feeding around the site and holding territory. Blackbirds and Song Thrushes collecting earthworms among the growing wildflowers. Starlings nest building on the buildings and hides. Tits flitting between nests and feeding amongst fresh buds. Cetti's Warblers singing loud from most pond boundaries and hedgerows. Sand Martins feeding and sand martin bank very active with great viewing from the peacock tower and wader scrape hide. Three pairs of Great Crested Grebe (reservoir lagoon, main lake and sheltered lagoon).

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