Wildlife Sightings for 12th December 2023

Caspian gull main lake. Bittern in the main reedbeds. A Little Egret flying from the world wetlands to the main lake. Fieldfare and Redwing on the south route. Water Pipit calling from the marsh.

1 Caspian Gull - main lake

1 Little Egret - world wetlands, flew to main lake

2 Fieldfare - south route

2 Redwing - south route

1 Water Pipit - calling from marsh

4 Water Rail - reedbeds, main lake (site count 17 on 28/11)

4 Reed Bunting - main lake

38 Greylag Geese - marsh

1 Pied Wagtail - over main lake

1 Sparrowhawk - marsh

1 Bittern - main reedbed channel

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