Wildlife Sightings for 13th September 2023

A Ruff and three Wigeon still on the main lake. Two Snipe on the marsh and a Little Egret flying over.

1 Ruff - main lake

2 Common Sandpiper - main lake

2 Little Egret - over marsh, main lake

2 Snipe - marsh

2 Blackcap - wildside

1 Sparrowhawk - marsh

13 Wigeon - reservoir lagoon, main lake

Good numbers of various duck species gathering on the reserve. Lots of Pochard rafting on the main lake and good numbers of Tufted Duck feeding on pond weeds. Wigeon have started to arrive in larger numbers. Gadwall numbers have fluctuated, presumably as birds move around through the autumn. Hopefully some more migrant duck species passing through soon.

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