Wildlife Sightings for 14th September 2023

Multiple birds of prey over site. Wigeon increasing in number on the main lake and reservoir lagoon. Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers.

1 Marsh Harrier - marsh

1 Buzzard - over

1 Red Kite - over

1 Kestrel - over

1 Sparrowhawk - reservoir lagoon

1 Hobby - reservoir lagoon

6 Meadow Pipit - marsh

1 Green Sandpiper - wader scrape

6 Snipe - marsh, main lake

1 Little Egret - main lake

22 Wigeon - main lake, reservoir lagoon

30 Pochard - main lake

3 Chiffchaff - south route

2 Willow Warblers - marsh

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