Wildlife sightings for 15th April 2022

Redstart, Swallow and Whinchat on the reserve

1 Redstart - East Bank (scrape bank)

1 Whinchat - marsh (north fence of marsh)

10 Reed Warbler - reservoir lagoon, main lake, reedbed, sheltered lagoon

3 Willow Warbler - sheltered lagoon, wildside, entrance area

4 Sedge Warbler - reservoir lagoon, main lake, sheltered lagoon

50+ Sand Martin

3 Swallow - flew over NE after feeding on reservoir lagoon

8 Snipe - marsh, main lake, scrape

2 Oystercatcher - main lake

1 Little Egret - scrape

1 Buzzard - flew NW

Butterflies: Small White, Brimstone, Peacock, Small Tortoishell, Comma, Holly Blue.

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