Wildlife Sightings for 16th March 2023

Avocet and Mediterranean Gull on the main lake outside the WWF hide. Black-Tailed Godwit flew from the wader scrape.

1 Avocet - main lake

1 Black-Tailed Godwit - flew from wader scrape towards reservoir lagoon

1 Dunlin - marsh

1 Mediterranean Gull - main lake

1 Water Pipit - marsh

1 Goldeneye - main lake

8 Stonechat - marsh

8 Sand Martin - over site

2 Oystercatcher - main lake

2 Chiffchaff - world wetlands, wader scrape

2 Little Grebe - reservoir lagoon

1 Snipe - wader scrape

104 Teal - wader scrape

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