Wildlife sightings for 16th October 2022

Firecrest in world wetlands. Lots of lovely autumn species feeding on berries and seeds in the hedgerows.


1 Firecrest - world wetlands

1 Goldcrest - world wetlands

2 Coal Tit - world wetlands

6 Stonechat - marsh, scrape

1 Pintail - reservoir lagoon

20+ Chiffchaff - site count

1 Willow Warbler - wildside

2 Reed Bunting - marsh, entrance

3 Snipe - marsh, main lake

2 Siskin- south route

2 Redwing - over south route

40+ Lapwing- main lake

1 Little Grebe - reservoir lagoon

3 Great Spotted Woodpecker - wildside

20+ Goldfinch - wildside

4 Song Thrush - sheltered lagoon

12+ Cetti's Warbler - singing around site

40+ Wigeon - some with very smart plumage

50+ Teal - some with very smart plumage

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