Wildlife sightings for 17th April 2023

Grasshopper Warbler in reedbed. Wheatears and Yellow Wagtails on marsh

1 Grasshopper Warbler - reedbed (wildside hide end of beds)

4 Sedge Warbler - main lake N+NW shores, reservoir lagoon

9 Reed Warbler - main lake, wildside, reedbed, sheltered lagoon, reservoir lagoon

3 Whimbrel - wader scrape (flew south/ south east)

3 Wheatear - marsh (N bund)

2 Yellow Wagtail - marsh

5 Willow Warbler - south route, entrance bank, wildside

12 Chiffchaff - west and south routes

11 Blackcap - west and south routes

2 Swallow

20 Cetti's Warbler - site count

2 Little Ringed Plover - scrape

2 Oystercatcher - main lake

3 Snipe - marsh

1 Buzzard - flew over South

1 Sparrowhawk - over site

1 Kestrel - south route

2 Shelduck - scrape

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