Wildlife sightings for 19th October 2022

Pintail on the marsh. Siskin, Skylark and Redwing all flying over. Snipe and Green Sandpiper still feeding


2 Fieldfare - marsh

1 Bittern - main lake

1 Skylark - flying over

3 Pintail - marsh

1 Ringed Plover - reservoir lagoon

2 Green Sandpiper - reservoir lagoon

2 Snipe - main lake

6 Redwing - flying over site

1 Siskin - south route

2 Stonechat- wader scrape

The London Wetland Centre has been home to a (early) Bittern for a few weeks now. It seems to feel at home and anyone with enough patience stands a good chance of getting a glimpse at this elusive UK critter. It is best viewed from the Dulverton Hide although some reports have also come from the Headley Hide. From the Dulverton, the bird can be viewed when looking straight across the main lake, on the southern tip of the main reedbeds, just behind the 'cormorant spit'. The best time to view this bird is often the afternoons when i can be seen lazily preening on the edge of the lake..... Good luck!

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