Wildlife Sightings for 1st January 2023

Still a good number of Teal on the wader scrape after New Year's Eve. Also Reed Bunting by Headley and on south route. Goldcrest by sheltered lagoon.


1 Bittern - flew from main lake North shore

1 Short-Eared Owl - flew over the entrance

1 Goldcrest - sheltered lagoon

1 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh

1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh

3 Reed Bunting - reedbed outside Headley hide (2), south route (1)

6 Redwing - flying over west

2 Meadow Pipit - over the grazing marsh

1 Little Grebe - main lake

55 Lapwing -main lake

50 Teal - wader scrape

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