Wildlife sightings for 22nd April 2023

Grasshopper Warbler singing by Dulverton Hide, plus Yellow Wagtail, Green Sandpiper and Garganey on site

2 Garganey - marsh/wader scrape

1 Green Sandpiper - marsh

2 Little Ringed Plover - marsh

2 Oystercatcher - main lake

1 Grasshopper Warbler - east of Dulverton Hide

1 Garden Warbler - south route

6 Sedge Warbler - main lake, marsh, sheltered lagoon, reservoir lagoon

18 Reed Warbler

1 Yellow Wagtail - marsh

2 Swallow

2 Willow Warbler - south route, world wetlands/entrance area

7 Chiffchaff

10 Blackcap

2 Snipe - marsh

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