Wildlife sightings for 22nd October 2022

High counts of Shoveler and Water Rail today, plus Bittern, Green Sandpiper, Dartford Warblers and winter thrushes


1 Bittern - main lake

7 Water Rail - site count

188 Shoveler - site count

94 Gadwall - site count

1 Green Sandpiper - reservoir lagoon

1 Oystercatcher - main lake

6 Snipe - main lake, marsh

5 Skylark - over W/NW

9 Siskin - wildside (5), over w (4)

2 Stonechat - marsh

2 Dartford Warbler - marsh

5 Lesser Redpoll - wildside (1), over W (4)

70 Redwing - over SW/W/S, plus many birds feeding in scrub blocks across reserve

4 Fieldfare - over W

30 Meadow Pipit - over NW

Dragonflies: Common Darter, Migrant Hawker.

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