Wildlife sightings for 24th April 2022

Great numbers of Reed Warblers picking territories and Wheatear on scrape

1 Hobby - over

2 Garganey - scrape

1 Green Sandpiper - marsh

2 Little Egret - marsh, scrape

2 Oystercatcher - main lake

1 Yellow Wagtail - marsh

2 Snipe - Marsh

1 Wheatear - scrape

20 Reed Warbler - sheltered lagoon(3), south route(3), main lake(5), reedbed(4), reservoir lagoon(4)

4 Sedge Warbler - marsh, main lake, reservoir lagoon, sheltered lagoon

19 Blackcap - wildside(2), reservoir lagoon(6), scrape bank(1), sheltered lagoon(6), south route(2), entrance lake(2)

4 Chiffchaff - sheltered lagoon, wildside, world wetlands, entrance lake

20+ Cetti's Warbler - site count

Butterflies: Small White, Brimstone, Peacock, Small Tortoishell, Comma, Holly Blue, Large White, Green-veined White, Orange Tip, Speckled Wood

Flowering plants: Jack-by-the-hedge, Bluebell, Marsh Marigold, Lesser Celandine, Herb Robert, Cuckoo-flower, Rowan, Blackthorn, Hazel

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