Wildlife Sightings for 25th April 2023

5 Whitethroat, 4 Yellow Wagtail and 7 Sedge Warbler recorded this morning

2 Oystercatcher - wader scrape

2 Little Ringed Plover - wader scrape

4 Yellow Wagtail - marsh

8 Sedge Warbler - sheltered lagoon, south route, marsh, main lake

20+ Reed Warbler - across the site

5 Whitethroat - south route, sheltered lagoon, marsh

2 Swallows - over site

4 Willow Warbler - south route, sheltered lagoon, entrance lake

7 Chiffchaff - across site

9 Blackcap - across the site

6 Snipe - main lake, sheltered lagoon, wader scrape

1 Kestrel - hunting over main lake and on edges of the marsh

1 Sparrowhawk - over entrance lake

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