Wildlife sightings for 26th September 2022

Strong passerine migration this morning including Meadow Pipit, Song Thrush, Skylark and Yellow Wagtail


6 Stonechat - marsh

1 Skylark - took off from marsh and flew W

1 Yellow Wagtail - flew over S

15+ Chiffchaff - south and west routes

18 Meadow Pipit - flew over W

8 Song Thrush - flew over W

4 Blackbird - flew over W/NW

24 Chaffinch - flew over NW

2 Blackcap - south route

1 Green Sandpiper - reservoir lagoon

Duck counts: 40+ Wigeon, 140 Shoveler, 70 Pochard, 80 Gadwall, Teal 40+

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