Wildlife sightings for 28th December 2022

Dartford Warbler and Stonechats on the wader scrape. 20+ Snipe flushed by Sparrowhawk on the marsh.


1 Dartford Warbler - wader scrape

1 Bittern - main lake

20+ Snipe - marsh

1 Stonechat - wader scrape

1 Sparrowhawk - south route

1 Pintail - marsh

2 Snipe - marsh

40+ Redwing - whole reserve

90+ Teal - grazing marsh, wader scrape

70+ Wigeon - grazing marsh

50 Lapwing - main lake

Sparrowhawk hunting Teal, Snipe and Moorhen on the marsh. 20+ Snipe flushed from hiding places. 2 small flocks of Teal displaced. Very interesting behaviour between the hawk and a Moorhen. The hawk was hovering above the Moorhen trying to claw it while the moorhen was protecting itself with it's beak. Simply amazing behaviour!

Although only 1 Bittern was seen on site this morning, there are probably 3+ on the reserve at the moment. The best places to see these elusive herons are from the hides. The Dulverton, Headley and Wildside hides are your best options for a glimpse if you are here specifically for these secretive stalkers.

The Dartford warbler is still present and was seen this morning. This fast, flitting warbler is best seen looking north east onto the wader scrape from the Peacock Tower. The key here is patience. Set yourself up (flasks and snacks recommended) on one of our cushioned benches and keep those eyes peeled!

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