Wildlife sightings for 28th March 2022

2 Jack Snipe, Bramblings and Water Pipit on the reserve

2 Jack Snipe - main lake, scrape

2 Little Egret - marsh, scrape

2 Redshank - scrape

2 Oystercatcher - main lake

2 Brambling - wildside

1 Water Pipit - marsh

9 Sand Martin - scrape

1 Buzzard - over NW

Butterflies: Peacock, Small White, Small Tortoishell, Red Admiral, Brimstone, Holly Blue, Comma.

Flowering plants: Snake's-head Fritillary, Primrose, Wood Anemone, Wild Daffodil, Herb Robert Cow Parsley, Red Dead-nettle, Marsh Marigold, Gorse, Daisy, Lesser Celandine, Wild Plum, Blackthorn.

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