Wildlife Sightings for 29th April 2023

Great White Egrets on the marsh and a Dunlin on the main lake. Plenty of Swift over the site, Hobby, Buzzard and some Common Terns.

1 Grasshopper Warbler - sheltered lagoon wader scrape bank

2 Great White Egrets - marsh

2 Dunlin - main lake

2 Little Ringed Plover - wader scrape/main lake

3 Common Tern - over main lake

1 Shelduck - main lake. Flew to the river

2 Oystercatcher - main lake

1 Hobby - hunting over sheltered lagoon (flew in from S)

1 Buzzard - flew over S

2 Yellow Wagtail - flying NW

1 Whitethroat - south route

2 Garden Warbler - south route, sheltered lagoon

17 Swift - feeding over site

12 Sedge Warbler - across site

25+ Reed Warbler - across site

12 Blackcap - across site

7 Chiffchaff - across site

13 House Martin - over site

70+ Sand Martin - across site

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