Wildlife sightings for 5th September 2022

1 Ruff, 8 Snipe and 6 Sandpiper on the main lake. Good fall of Willow Warblers feeding on the south route and summer route.


1 Ruff - main lake

4 Green Sandpiper - main lake, reservoir lagoon

2 Common Sandpiper - main lake

8 Snipe - main lake

9 Wigeon - reservoir lagoon

10+ Swift - over main lake

5+ House Martin - over main lake

2 Kingfisher - main lake, reservoir lagoon

1 Little Grebe - main lake

Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff and Blackcap around the reserve, great views around the South Route feeders. Good fall of warblers feeding along summer route (wet woodland, c5 Willow Warbler)

Dragonflies/Damselflies: Common Blue Damselfly, Common Darter, Willow Emerald Damselfly, Ruddy Darter, Migrant Hawker, Brown Hawker.

Flowering plants: Great Burnet, Salad Burnet, Agrimony, Cut-leaved Crane's-bill, Dove's-foot Crane's-bill, Herb Robert, Self-heal, Common Vetch, Tufted Vetch, Meadow Vetchling, Dog Rose, Common Mallow, Beaked Hawksbeard, Smooth Hawksbeard, Creeping Cinquefoil, White Water Lily, Flowering Rush, Arrowhead, Knapweed, Yellow Bartsia, Meadow-rue, Yellow Loosestrife, Square-stalked St John's Wort, Betony, Cat's Ear, Pond Sedges, Club-rushes, Bristly Ox-tongue, Hawkweed Ox-tongue, Rough Hawkbit, Water Mint. Head to Wildside for the 'tall herb fen meadow' communities which include the purples/pinks of Marsh Woundwort, Purple Loosestrife and Willowherb.

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