Wildlife Sightings for 6th May 2023

Large numbers of Swift migrating over the site. Oystercatcher pair still on the main lake and Little Ringed Plover pair still on the wader scrape.

2 Garganey - marsh

1 Yellow Wagtail - wader scrape

3 Common Tern - main lake

2 Little Ringed Plover - wader scrape

2 Oystercatcher - main lake

100+ Swift - migrating over site throughout the day

40-50 Sand Martin - over site

30+ Reed Warbler - across site

11 Sedge Warbler - across site

20 Cetti's warbler - across site

9 Chiffchaff - across site

13 Blackcap - across site

7 Reed Bunting - across site

1 Kestrel - wader scrape

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