Wildlife sightings for 7th November 2022

Lesser Redpoll, Siskin feeding in alders. Pintail and Jack Snipe on the marsh.


1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh

2 Little Grebe - reservoir lagoon

5 Lesser Redpoll - sheltered lagoon

10+ Siskin - sheltered lagoon

10+ Greenfinch - sheltered lagoon

1 Jack Snipe - marsh

6 Snipe - marsh, main lake

1 Pintail - marsh

4 Water Rail - reedbeds

2 Stonechat - reedbeds

4 Reed Bunting - reedbeds

22+ Redwing - over south

Large mixed species flocks of tits feeding in the hedgerows along the south route. Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers abundant throughout the site, feeding on the ground, on rotting wood and calling in flight. Dabbling ducks feeding on seed and fresh green vegetation in newly flooded areas. Great numbers of Eurasian Teal, Pochard, Wigeon and Gadwall can be seen swimming the freshly flooded passages between islands.

Dragonflies: Common Darter, Migrant Hawker.

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