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Willow Tit & Hobby

The Willow Tit continues to show occasionally at the Janet Kear feeding station, but can be missing for some time, patience is required.

A group of 3 Avocet were on Woodend Marsh today along with 2 Ringed Plover. A Greenshank was on the Mere and from Ron Barker Hide. A group of 4 Curlew were on the Mere mid afternoon also 15+ Ruff and plenty of Lapwing and a Snipe. A Little Egret was also on the Mere in the morning.

A good day for raptors with 2 Hobby distantly from Ron Barker, also a juvenile Peregrine, 4 Marsh Harriers as well as the usual 2 Kestrel, several Common Buzzard and a few Sparrowhawk sightings.

Quite a few House Martins and Swallow passing through along with a few Sand Martins.

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