Wood Sands still

Still at least 2 Wood Sandpiper on Woodend Marsh viewable from UU Hide, also 1000+ Black-tailed Godwit, 15 Snipe and a few Ruff including a fresh juvenile. Three Green Sandpiper were on Top Mere.

A good count of 100 Shoveler on Vinson's Marsh from Ron Barker Hide. Both Tufted and Pochard on the Mere, also still a juvenile Little Grebe and a Great crested Grebe briefly before flying off towards Harrier Hide. Still 2 Whooper Swans from Ron Barker at the moment.

Kingfisher showing again from Ron barker and another flew over the Mere.

Just off site 3 Yellow Wagtail along Curlew Lane as well as Corn Buntings.

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