LOtC badge for WWT Arundel

WWT Arundel is awarded a Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge

The LOtC badge from the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom means Arundel Wetland Centre has been recognized for offering a good quality educational experience to children visiting the reserve. The award also notes that the wetland reserve manages risk effectively for students at the outdoor attraction.

Arundel Wetland Centre offers guided learning sessions that are suitable for students from a range of ages and abilities, including special needs groups. Each session helps students explore questions like - What lives in a wetland?  How do birds fly?  or How can buildings help the environment?

Teachers may also book time to explore the wetland reserve independently with their pupils. Self guided groups can hire binoculars, use free spotter sheets and enjoy access to a range of unique learning resources.  Guided and self-led sessions are made easier by the compact shape of the reserve, its accessible paths and the over 300 birds that make up the collection at WWT Arundel Wetland Centre.

A real effort is made to teach the majority of all learning sessions outdoors, ensuring children have that up close contact with nature you can’t get inside a classroom. Martin Spray, Chief Executive of the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust said ‘’Engaging and inspiring young people in a natural environment has been a major part of WWT’s activities and objectives since its very inception back in 1946. Over 140,000 young people have been given the experience of linking with nature, looking at nature, understanding it and getting excited about it at WWT Arundel since the Learning Program began in 1988.”
“We do a tremendous job in this and it’s something we are going to do well into the future because it’s never been so important. Children now have the experience of looking at the internet, their iPads and their various phones I don’t want them to experience the natural environment in the future only on computer screen, they need to get out and see it and that’s what we do here.’’

To find out more about the Learning Program at WWT Arundel Wetland Centre call Claire Drew, Learning Manager at 01903 881524. WWT Arundel Wetland Centre is open from 9:30 am – 5:30 pm, seven days a week, every day except Christmas Day (2pm closing on Christmas Eve.) Arundel Wetland Centre is located on Mill Road, Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9PB. It is one of nine specialist UK centres of the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust.

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