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WWT becomes a formal partner on the Ramsar Convention

WWT became a formal partner of the global convention for wetlands – the Ramsar Convention – earlier this month.

WWT Chief Executive Martin Spray joined Acting Secretary General of Ramsar, Ania Grobicki, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding that places WWT alongside WWF and four others in a role that supports the work of the Ramsar Convention, which is made up of 168 countries including the UK.

MS Ramsar1

Through its involvement, WWT will help to advise countries on issues such as disease control, sustainable wetland management and creation, and communicating the benefits of wetlands.

The appointment of WWT as an official partner will help develop the work we already contribute to wetland conservation internationally, including:

  • Wetland Link International (WLI) – a network of 350 wetland centres over six continents that help educate and include people around the world in wetland conservation.
  • Flight of the Swans – WWT’s outreach campaign that illustrates the benefits of international cooperation on wetland conservation

WWT Chief Executive Martin Spray said:

“I’m proud that WWT has been appointed as a formal partner of Ramsar. It’s an organisation that’s highly respected around the world and we have a long shared history.

“We have provided a great deal of advice to Ramsar projects over the decades. Six of our ten UK wetland reserves are protected under the Ramsar Convention due to their importance to wildlife and people.

“All life – human, animal and plant – relies on healthy wetlands for so many things, not least clean water and drainage. Wetlands are places for people to live, work and play and I’m looking forward to working even more closely with Ramsar in future to improve wetlands in order to improve lives.”

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