WWT staff visit Martin Mere
I have been very busy over the last couple of days meeting with other staff from WWT centres. Yesterday our Learning officer visited Martin Mere and today both the Centre Managers and Marketing Managers from Arundel and London have come along to have a look round and to share best practice. There is so much that all the other centres do and sometimes it is so good to just have a sit down and chat about what is happening at other centres and how I can look to improve things at Martin Mere.
We have had a good walk around this afternoon and we will get down to business tomorrow to talk about events, training and new developments to see what thoughts everyone has and how we can help each other.
We had two national winners for the photography competition awards yesterday. Helen Davies won the best landscape photograph and Robert Falcon won the Quirky category - I will put the pictures on this diary tomorrow for you to have a good look at them. All the winners went to London yesterday for a workshop with Chris Packham. I, unfortunately, couldn't make it but I will hopefully go next year.