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WWT welcomes Royal patronage announcement

His Royal Highness Prince Charles is to become the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust’s new Patron, taking over from Her Majesty The Queen.

The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust’s Chief Executive, Martin Spray CBE, said:

“On behalf of everyone at WWT, I would like to thank Her Majesty for her longstanding support. She has been a truly formidable patron, for which we are all very grateful.

“We have been very fortunate to benefit from Her Majesty’s patronage for many decades. Her relationship with us began before her coronation when she visited our headquarters at Slimbridge. She has since made many happy visits to our wetland centres around the country, which has helped those wetland centres to become such a success.

“I am also very grateful to HRH the Prince of Wales for volunteering to become our new Patron. He has been an excellent President to us for many years. He first visited us as a child, when he fed the ducks and geese at Slimbridge. He last visited only a few weeks ago to celebrate our 70th anniversary with us, and to cut our birthday cake. He spent over an hour talking individually to a hundred WWT volunteers, supporters and staff, who were all very appreciative of his interest in each person’s individual role.”

The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) is a conservation charity that protects wetlands for wildlife and people. For 70 years we have been pioneers in saving threatened wetland wildlife across the globe and are experts in wetland management and creation. We work with communities living among some of the most vulnerable wetlands in the world, providing leadership and influence to create a sustainable future for our wetlands, their wildlife and the people who depend upon them. We believe that showing people first-hand how extraordinary wetlands are can ignite their passion to help us conserve them, so we provide amazing experiences at our unique UK wetland centres for over one million visitors every year.

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