Yellow Browed Warbler

It had to happen eventually, with the record numbers of Yellow-browed Warblers in the country this autumn, that one would appear on site and late morning one was seen and photographed from the Kingfisher Hide. This is the first to be seen and photographed on the reserve, a previous record involved one heard calling in the collection a few years ago.

Yellow-browed Warbler by the Kingfisher Hide (Jon & John Edwards)
Yellow-browed Warbler by the Kingfisher Hide (Jon & John Edwards)

Other sightings today included 3 European White-fronted Goose (2 adult & 1 juv) from Ron Barker Hide late afternoon, also the Barnacle Goose was seen again with the 20,000+ Pink-footed Geese using the reserve throughout the day. The Garganey was seen again from Ron Barker Hide this morning, also 34 Black-tailed Godwit from here.

European White-fronted Geese 2 adult and juvenile (Eddie Seal)
European White-fronted Geese 2 adult and juvenile (Eddie Seal)

Up to 3 Marsh Harrier continue to show well at times along with the usual Peregrine, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

This morning a bit of visible migration with 16 Redwing over the collection as well as Song Thrush, Medow Pipits trickling over throughout the day and a few Siskin, also good numbers of Robins in the collection as well as Coal Tit, Goldcrest, Jay and Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Also a Bittern was reported via the paper sheets in the centre for Friday 7th October, if anyone has any more details about this record please call in to the In Focus shop to let us know? As always if you do have any sightings of interest or require any information on where to see birds around the reserve please pop in to the In Focus shop.

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