Yes the osprey is around - so are kingfishers!

Kingfisher near the boat jetty on Thursday afternoon. Photo by Nicky MacQueen
Kingfisher near the boat jetty on Thursday afternoon. Photo by Nicky MacQueen


On Monday & Tuesday the osprey hadn't been seen onsite and we were starting to think he may have moved on. However on Sunday afternoon we spotted him again and he was around Thursday. The boat drivers just reported seeing the osprey today (Fri 11.50am).

Other sightings:

Friday 9 Sept

Ramsar & Sand Martin hides: house & sand martins, teal, black-headed gulls.

Scrape hide: Grey heron, gadwall, teal black headed gulls.

Arun Riverlife: tufted duck, mute swans, mallard, gadwall, Canada geese

Reserve & Grounds: Blue, great and long-tailed tits, wrens, robins, blackbird, chaffinch, collared dove, buzzard, bullfinch, goldfinch, dunnock, Cetti's warbler, green woodpecker, migrant hawker dragonflies, red admiral butterflies, large white butterflies.

Thurs 8 Sept

Lapwing Hide: 20 house martins, buzzard, red kite, gadwall

Ramsar & Sand Martin hides: Grey heron, gadwall, teal black headed gulls.

Scrape hide: kingfishers, Grey heron, gadwall, teal.

Reserve & Grounds: kingfisher, tufted duck, mute swans, mallard, mandarin, Canada geese. Blue, great and marsh tits, wrens, robins, blackbird, chaffinch, sedge warbler, goldfinch, dunnock, black-headed gull, pheasant.

Wed 7 Sept

Ramsar & Sand Martin hides: 40 + sand martins, teal, greylag geese, Canada geese, Grey heron.

Scrape hide: gadwall, teal, mute swans, tufted duck, grey heron, Canada geese.

Arun Riverlife: tufted duck, mute swans,  gadwall, Canada geese.

Reserve & Grounds: Buzzard, grey heron, mandarin ducks, mute swans, pheasant, chaffinch, nuthatch.


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