
Impact of lockdowns on our sites
Following the UK Government’s announcement of a four week lockdown in England we have now received clarification on how the regulations will affect WWT sites.
4 November 2020

Nights, camera, action! Device to record voyaging eels during hours of darkness installed at Gloucestershire reserve marking World Fish Migration Day
A new acoustic camera has been fitted at WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre to monitor eels embarking on their epic migratory voyage.
24 October 2020

WWT Wetland Centres to welcome back schools
WWT Wetland Centres will open their doors to school pupils from December 1. Forced to close their doors to such excursions in March, the conservation charity is pleased to be able to once again help children reconnect with nature in a safe and secure en
19 October 2020

Famous artist’s work up for auction to raise money for spoon-billed sandpipers
Internationally renowned bird sculptor, Guy Taplin, whose works have been snapped up by the likes of Michael Palin and Jacqueline Onassis, is selling one of his bird sculptures to help WWT save the spoon-billed sandpiper.
15 October 2020

WWT receives cash boost from Disney Conservation Fund to continue to improve wetlands for people and wildlife in Madagascar
UK charity WWT has been awarded a $49,600 grant by the Disney Conservation Fund (DCF) for its work to save the world’s rarest duck, the Madagascar pochard. The conservation charity has been working in the northern regions of the island to restore a vast
15 October 2020

Fall for nature’s spectacle at WWT wetland centres this autumn
Just as wetlands offer sanctuary to thousands of animals over the colder months, they also make the perfect place to safely escape the everyday and appreciate one of nature’s greatest shows - autumn. For our wetlands, it is a spectacular time of year.
29 September 2020

Our response to the UN’s GBO-5 report: Humanity at a crossroads
Summary The Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 (GBO-5) report, published by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on 15 September, offers an authoritative overview of the state of nature now. It is a school report on the world’s progress in meet
16 September 2020

Living Planet Report shows a dramatic decline in freshwater species - giving more urgency to implement Emergency Recovery Plan
A key element of the 2020 Living Planet Report's Freshwater Deep Dive, this scientific paper outlines a revolutionary plan to reverse the rapid decline in the world’s freshwater species and habitats while protecting our life support systems.
10 September 2020

Our response to the State of the Environment speech
In response to Sir James Bevan's speech today at the launch of the Environment Agency's State of the Environment report, WWT's Director of Conservation, Dr James Robinson said: Sir James is right to say investing in a healthy environment is about t
8 September 2020

EU countries choose health over poison in historic vote to ban lead shot in wetlands
A huge leap towards ending the suffering of millions of waterbirds from lead poisoning has been taken following a momentous vote to ban lead shot in and around wetlands.
4 September 2020

The only black-winged stilts to hatch in the UK this year have successfully fledged in Somerset
A trio of black-winged stilt chicks have flown the nest at WWT Steart Marshes, where to the disbelief of conservationists, they hatched last month. This is the first time the rare wader has ever nested at the reserve and it is the most western point in
25 August 2020

WWT welcomes new Chair, Barnaby Briggs
This week, Barnaby Briggs was elected Chair of WWT by a unanimous vote from his fellow Trustees He steps into the role previously held by Peter Day who sadly passed away in July. Barnaby brings with him extensive experience from the conservation and en
21 August 2020

Swans reserve aggression for each other, new research has found
Despite their hostile reputations, swans ruffle each other's feathers rather than other birds, according to a study commissioned by WWT and the University of Exeter. Of all three swan species observed; whooper, Bewick’s and mute swans were most frequen
18 August 2020

WWT joins coalition calling for long-term plan for England's beavers
The Government should allow wild beavers to remain in England and expand naturally through river catchments, with robust local management and monitoring of the animals, say members of a coalition which includes WWT. The call for an English Beaver Strateg
17 August 2020

WWT receives funding for ground-breaking Generation Wild initiative from ScottishPower Foundation
New project will help connect young people with wetlands and nature.
12 August 2020