
Trailblazing new development launches at Slimbridge

Trailblazing new development launches at Slimbridge

We are excited to announce the start of Slimbridge 2020, an amazing new scheme that will transform Slimbridge Wetland Centre with inspirational and immersive wildlife experiences and celebrate the extraordinary life of Sir Peter Scott, WWT's founder and o

2 February 2018

How wetlands make cities liveable

How wetlands make cities liveable

Wetlands are soggy bits of land. Literally, 'wet-lands'. We built our cities on them because they gave us water and washed away our waste. But our cities got bigger so we often simply filled them in and built over them. It actually caused us a lot of pr

1 February 2018

Using a 'Fitbit' to unearth the secrets of Greenland white fronted geese

Using a 'Fitbit' to unearth the secrets of Greenland white fronted geese

Greenland white fronted geese are masters of the long distance. Each year they make a 3000km trip to Scotland where they shelter for the winter before returning to Greenland to breed. But fewer and fewer geese are arriving on our shores and in the last 20

31 January 2018

World Wetlands Day: A countdown from Slough part three

World Wetlands Day: A countdown from Slough part three

Jillian Derbyshire, 62, volunteer I decided to join after seeing a notice in the park. I used to walk through quite regularly as it’s really close to where I live and I used to take my mum there. I got involved because I needed something to do. I was

31 January 2018

World Wetlands Day: A countdown from Slough part two

World Wetlands Day: A countdown from Slough part two

John Hook, 63, volunteer, Slough I first got involved after noticing a poster on the park railings. I’d been retired for six months and I’d always told myself I wasn’t going to start volunteering for anything until I’d had half a year to myself.

30 January 2018

World Wetlands Day: A countdown from Slough part one

World Wetlands Day: A countdown from Slough part one

WWT has been working with the community in Slough to restore its Salt Hill Stream. We talked to three of the volunteers who have been working hard to clean the area. They revealed to us why they want their wetlands back and how the project has awarded the

29 January 2018

World Wetlands Day: A countdown from Colombo

World Wetlands Day: A countdown from Colombo

The city of Colombo grew out of a group of fishing villages around a wetland. Today, these wetlands cover more than 15% of the total area of the Colombo Metropolitan Region. They protect the city from flooding and help mitigate climate change.

27 January 2018

National 'Bird flu' Prevention Zones in place

National 'Bird flu' Prevention Zones in place

Anyone who keep birds in England or Wales is now subject to the Governments' Prevention Zone orders, to help reduce the risk of the spread of avian influenza (‘bird flu’). The orders follow findings of avian influenza in wild birds at sites across Eng

25 January 2018

What a pair! Missing mate of famous swan arrives from Arctic six weeks late!

What a pair! Missing mate of famous swan arrives from Arctic six weeks late!

The power couple were reunited when Dealer, 25, joined her 26-year-old partner Croupier on the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust’s (WWT) iconic Swan Lake today. Croupier, Slimbridge’s very own ‘cobfather’, is the leader of ‘The Gambling Dynasty’,

22 January 2018

Meet the Salt Hill Stream superheroes helping to blitz Slough's litter problem

Meet the Salt Hill Stream superheroes helping to blitz Slough's litter problem

Around 20 volunteers made up of adults and kids turned out to clear the local area of rubbish, organised by Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust. Councillors Mohammed Nazir and Fiza A Matloob also helped with the litter pick. In just two hours, the garbage-busti

15 January 2018

Prime Minister announces historic plan for environment at London Wetland Centre

Prime Minister announces historic plan for environment at London Wetland Centre

Prime Minister Theresa May and Environment Secretary Michael Gove announced the Government’s 25 year plan for the environment at WWT’s London Wetland Centre today. The announcement arrives three months after WWT published Nature’s Way, its own repor

11 January 2018

Twelve months of Christmas

Twelve months of Christmas

As 2017 wraps up, we’ve picked out our favourite highlights of the year to celebrate 12 months of Christmas. What an absolute cracker!   January Work to save the Salt Hill Stream in Slough got underway as dozens of local volunteers stepped up to re

29 December 2017

WWT Snapshot December 2017

WWT Snapshot December 2017

Thank you for your support. Here’s a look at just some of the things WWT has been up to in the last three months to help wetlands, wildlife and people. At our wetland centres A survey of 500 visiting schoolchildren showed 9 out of 10 said they learned

22 December 2017

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fit! Bird 'fitness tracker' reveals all

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fit! Bird 'fitness tracker' reveals all

Greenland white fronted geese make a 6000km round trip each year to overwinter in Scotland but not every bird finds it a breeze, according to new research from Wildflowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT). Specially designed ‘bird fitness trackers’ have revea

22 December 2017

Oldest living member of Slimbridge swan dynasty has arrived from the Arctic

Oldest living member of Slimbridge swan dynasty has arrived from the Arctic

Croupier, the 26-year-old leader of one of the biggest Bewick’s swan families ever studied at Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust’s famous Swan Lake at Slimbridge, arrived on Wednesday to the excitement of researchers. The ‘cobfather’ was sadly minus his

20 December 2017