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Poorer pupils benefit most from school nature trips

Poorer pupils benefit most from school nature trips

Poorer children are less interested in being outdoors in nature than better-off children, but that difference can be turned on its head after just one day spent learning outside. That’s according to early findings from a study by the Wildfowl & Wetlands

16 March 2016

First ever bionic bird feeding

First ever bionic bird feeding

Alan Gifford feeds a red-breasted goose A boy has used his new bionic hand to feed the birds at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre for the first time. Alan Gifford, 10, from Loughor near Swansea lost his hands when he was j

14 March 2016

Disappearing duck could be helped by anglers

Disappearing duck could be helped by anglers

A pair of Common Scoters (c) Larry Griffin WWT The case of a disappearing duck – the common scoter – has puzzled WWT researchers and their partners, but new findings indicate that a decline in angling might have l

14 March 2016

Never mind the ballast - it's invasives week!

Never mind the ballast - it's invasives week!

Fill the ballast tanks on one continent, empty them in another (c) CSIRO This week is Non-Native Invasive Species Week. It sounds a bit scary, but Britain’s wildlife really is under constant threat from foreign wild

2 March 2016

Wetland wildlife gets extra award from players of People’s Postcode Lottery

Wetland wildlife gets extra award from players of People’s Postcode Lottery

Wildlife and visitors at WWT Wetland Centres have been given an extra £25,000 award by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. WWT is one of 57 charities that were awarded an extra £1.425 million between them as part of the charity lottery’s long-term

18 February 2016

Love is in the air!

Love is in the air!

Listen to the skies at night - the Bewick's swans are starting to leave the UK back to their breeding grounds, just in time for Valentine's Day. Catch up with the latest from swan expert Julia Newth's Bewick's Swan Diary:

11 February 2016

WWT to tell story of Sir Peter Scott thanks to National Lottery

WWT to tell story of Sir Peter Scott thanks to National Lottery

The public are set to step inside the home of the ‘patron saint of conservation’ – Sir Peter Scott - for the first time, thanks to an investment of £4.4m from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) towards a £6m Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) project.

10 February 2016

Happy World Wetlands Day!

Happy World Wetlands Day!

WWT Caerlaverock wetland centre 2nd February is the anniversary of the Ramsar Convention being signed, to protect wetlands around the world. WWT founder Sir Peter Scott was the keynote speaker when the Convention was

2 February 2016

First buffalo born in simple plan for Cambodia wetlands

First buffalo born in simple plan for Cambodia wetlands

A Cambodian family has received its first buffalo calf, born to a buffalo loaned to them by a Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) scheme to beat poverty and help the environment. WWT's "buffalo bank" loans poor communities in the Mekong Delta working anim

1 February 2016

Your support gets wetland wildlife on TV

Your support gets wetland wildlife on TV

BBC Autumnwatch film a slice of cake in the Caerlaverock café. We don't know why either. Thank you to all our supporters, as always, for helping to save wetlands in the UK and around the world. Wetlands are so import

28 January 2016

Show the love this Valentine's Day

Show the love this Valentine's Day

Your own little green heart - wear it with pride! Your local wetland centre is a great place to go for a Valentine’s Day date with someone you love. WWT has teamed up with the Climate Coalition to invite you to ‘s

27 January 2016

It's nearly gardening time again!

It's nearly gardening time again!

If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, the mild weather might get you out gardening a bit earlier this year. Here are a couple of things you probably know already, but are always worth keeping in mind to protect our native wetlands and wildlife.

27 January 2016

WWT's Big Splash: national puddle jumping championships this half term

WWT's Big Splash: national puddle jumping championships this half term

Children of all ages are encouraged to get out in the fresh air and have fun jumping in puddles this February half term with WWT’s Big Splash - the national puddle jumping championship. The Big Splash takes place at all nine WWT wetland centres.  Kids

26 January 2016

Europe’s most endangered swans have their first political champion

Europe’s most endangered swans have their first political champion

South West MEP Julie Girling today became the first ever Bewick’s Swan Champion on a visit to the world-famous Bewick’s swan roost at Slimbridge, headquarters of the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT). L-R: RSPB's Pau

15 January 2016

Wetland birds’ lives revealed in WWT science journal

Wetland birds’ lives revealed in WWT science journal

New aspects of the lives of wetland birds are revealed for the first time in the latest issue of Wildfowl, published by the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT). The charity’s annual scientific journal is a way of sharing new research that could help conser

7 January 2016