Latest Sighting

A relatively quiet couple of days as high pressure builds allowing the wind to drop and feeling slightly warmer. I say quiet but it is easily possible to see 60-70+ species on the reserve even if fewer passage migrants are obvious.

A Common Snipe drumming this morning out on the edge of the reserve is the first heard in a long while. Signs of breeding or a displaced bird from elsewhere? Snipe have breed in the past but it's difficult to be certain.

Nevertheless the sound of drumming Snipe is up there with the best of summer wetland sound tracks. The 'drumming' sound is made by air vibrating the outer tail feathers as the bird dives through the air.

Probably due to the pressure of feeding young and the windy conditions of late one or two Barn Owl have been seen hunting later into the morning.

Barn Owl from the United Utilities Hide via telescope and a mobile phone!
Barn Owl from the United Utilities Hide

Little Gull still present on and off but regularly out on Woodend Marsh, 2 Common Tern there. At least one Med Gull today but 3 yesterday.

The usual waders with a few Little Ringed Plover around. A few Avocet chick hanging on on the Mere and some Redshank chick also around.

The first Goldfinch fledglings seen around the sunflower heart feeders.

Cuckoo along the excellent Canoe Safari at the weekend.

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