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Bridgwater Blue Heritage Opportunities and Enhancements Masterplan

This tool represents the masterplan for the delivery phase of the Bridgwater Blue Heritage project.

It details projects that WWT will lead on, as well as projects that are led by others with assistance or in partnership.

The aim of these interventions is to help wildlife recover and boost health and wellbeing. We will achieve this through the creation or enhancement of blue infrastructure, nature-based solutions and activities in and around Bridgwater. New and accessible urban wetlands will improve climate change resilience whilst providing protection from flooding. These projects are connected through existing walking routes and compliment the wider barrier scheme.

Physical interventions

These are urban blue spaces that have been, or are planned to be, created or enhanced. Most of these opportunities will be actioned during the delivery phase of the project, though some have already commenced due to the nature of opportunities, funding or our quick wins programme. The priority projects for the delivery phase include: the wetland park, borrow pit wetland areas, capture at source SuDS and associated natural drainage options for barrier service buildings, and community engagement with Chilton Trinity.

Non-phyiscal interventions or unknown locations

These opportunities are not ‘mapped’ though are intangible, yet just as important. They include the citizen science programme, programme of activities, engagement, and celebrating walking and cycling routes.