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Slough's urban wetlands

We’re turning Slough’s green spaces blue; working with local communities to create cleaner, healthier urban wetlands for the benefit of the whole town.

The challenge

The Salt Hill Stream, which runs through the heart of Slough, was in terrible health.

Fish were dying. It was clogged up with old car tyres, carrier bags and household waste. Water quality had deteriorated and its future looked bleak.

What we are doing

WWT is working with the local community, breathing new life into the neglected stream.

Although its improvement is gradual, it shows that urban wetlands, if cared for, can become spectacular wetland sanctuaries for people and wildlife. And if used in the right way, they can also help us tackle pollution, protect us from flooding and improve water quality.

Key achievements

Improved water quality

Since the project was launched, we’ve organised multiple successful clean-ups. Everyone in the community from local schoolchildren, business leaders, families and pensioners have been involved, all rolling up their sleeves to retrieve tons of unsightly rubbish from the area.

New homes for nature

Over a thousand fish have been released into the water and now four species – dace, perch, chub and roach are thriving in their new home. Kingfishers, egret and damselflies have all been spotted on the stream’s banks. And in neighbouring Temple Wood, we’ve helped create additional wildlife sanctuaries. New ponds for dragonflies not only support nature, but also offer somewhere beautiful for local people to visit.

Involving the community

We’ve carried out biodiversity surveys with the local community to monitor the health of the river, organised ‘outfall safaris’ with volunteers to identify and map sources of pollution flowing into the stream and worked with local primary school St Marys to add little yellow fishes onto drains, to help raise awareness of the impact people are having on the stream.

And we’ve only just got started...

To foster a greater connection between the local community, their urban wetlands and the nature that calls them home, we’ve also got plans to create major new wetlands in Salt Hill Park, a riverside walkway, picnic meadows and restored walking trail and bridge.

You can get involved

Support and volunteer

Over the next few months there will be lots of exciting opportunities to support us in shaping and delivering this project. You can get involved and volunteer on a range of practical activities, become a citizen scientist and a Salt Hill champion. Call our Senior Project Manager, Andy Graham on 07765 221784 or email for details on how you can help.

Partners and funders

The success of Transforming Slough relies on the help, expertise and cooperation of our project partners...

The success of Transforming Slough also relies on generous support from our project supporters: Heathrow Community Fund, Moto in the Community (MITC), The Tanner Trust, and the Louis Baylis Charitable Trust.