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Ellie Jones

Senior Project Manager (Waterscapes)

Contact details

About me

My journey as a conservationist started with a childhood passion for wildlife, coupled with a fascination with natural processes and landforms. Following a first degree in Geography from Cambridge University, I volunteered on practical conservation and research projects in South Africa, Botswana, Mongolia and various parts of the UK before completing an MSc in Ecology at the University of Aberdeen.

I have worked in the ecology and conservation sector for over 14 years, firstly in ecological consultancy and most recently with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, where I was responsible for managing a portfolio of nature reserves in the north of the county, including the internationally renowned Clattinger Farm SSSI/SAC, which supports some of the finest floodplain meadows in Europe. I have been in post at WWT since September 2021.

My professional interests and experience are hugely varied, but I’m a particular fan of evidence-led, landscape-scale conservation.

My role

I am responsible for developing and delivering against WWT’s Waterscapes programme, an exciting and ambitious initiative to conserve and enhance wetlands at the landscape scale. Currently, this work is looking at three focal landscapes: The Severn Estuary and Vale, Somerset Coast to Levels, and the Ouse Washes; however, in time we hope to expand the programme to the wetland landscapes around our other sites.

At present, my job involves shaping and progressing our plans for each Waterscape, with input from WWT staff and other stakeholders; designing, developing and managing large-scale, multi-partner wetland conservation projects; and building resources to deliver on the ground.

With recent and upcoming changes in environmental and agricultural policy, it’s a great time to be working across landscapes. I am fortunate to be able to draw on a wealth of skills, expertise and inspiration from within WWT, meaning that we are in a strong position to take advantage of new opportunities and put wetlands at the forefront of conservation efforts.

Experience and interests

  • Project and site-based management planning
  • Compliance and risk management
  • Practical conservation management
  • Monitoring and biological recording
  • Ecological impact assessment, mitigation and enhancement
  • Community and volunteer engagement


Hosie, C., Jones, E., Rothero, E.C, and Wallace, H. (2019) ‘Restoration of a floodplain meadow in Wiltshire, UK through application of green hay and conversion from pasture to meadow management’. Conservation Evidence, 16, 12-16.

Young, M., Grounds, S., Jones, E., Tarr, E., Wandrag, E. and Patterson, A. (December 2008) ‘Recent developments in the conservation of rare species of Zygaena (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae) in Scotland’. Les Cahiers du Musée des Confluences – Vol 2: L’Expérimentation. Actes du Xe Symposium International sur les Zygaenidae, 93-112.

Young, M. R., Grounds, S. and E. A. Jones (2007) ‘The presence of suffused confluent forms in the Scottish colony of the New Forest burnet moth, Zygaena viciae’. Entomologist’s Gazette, 58 (4), 266-267.

Young, M. R., Grounds, S. and E. A. Jones (2007) ‘Hybrid matings between Zygaena filipendulae and Z. viciae in Scotland in 2006’. Entomologist’s Gazette, 58 (3), 185-187.

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