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Eric Heath

Senior Project Manager, Species Recovery

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About me

I’ve been working in the environmental sector for almost 20 years now. This has included roles as an ecological and arboricultural consultant. I have also worked as the Head of Land Management for Avon Wildlife Trust, a Senior Conservation Officer for Natural Resources Wales and a Planning ecologist for South Gloucestershire Council. Throughout my career I have attempted to do something positive for the natural environment and as my career has developed I have become more focused on using my skills as effectively as possible to have the biggest impact. At heart I see myself as a frustrated botanist who would rather be keying out specimens than playing with the spreadsheets I invariably find myself in front of.

My role

My role as Senior Project Manager (Species Recovery) means I take a lead in all of WWTs species conservation work. At the moment this is focused primarily in the smooth running of the various Curlew conservation projects we are involved in (East of England, Dartmoor and Severn and Avon Vale) whilst also looking at the future of our Black-tailed Godwit and Corncrake projects. I sit in the UK Programmes team but work closely with Conservation Evidence, the Breeding Conservation Unit and the Reserves teams. My role is also forward looking, identifying and developing new species conservation projects.

Experience and interests

  • Project development and management
  • Practical conservation management
  • Monitoring and biological recording
  • Ecological impact assessment, mitigation and enhancement
  • Lead, manage and develop a team of specialist staff
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