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Nick Oliver

Community Action Manager (Richmond)

About me

I joined WWT in 2011 as a casual Learning Assistant, running family activities and formal learning programmes at the London Wetland Centre. I had just started studying Natural Sciences with the Open University and was keen to get some more hands-on experience to complement this, so started volunteering with the Reserve team undertaking habitat management activities, bat and plant surveys. In 2014 I moved across to the Grounds team - again employed on a casual basis – looking after the animals in our living collection.

My background is in training and development and I ran my own consultancy for a number of years, but my love for conservation got the better of me and I embarked on a full-time role in 2017. As Engagement Manager I helped to deliver the Trust’s key conservation stories to visitors, while still getting my hands dirty by leading corporate volunteering days.

My role

I'm now working in the UK Community Wetlands team as Community Action Manager for a flood resilience programme in south west London. This is a DEFRA funded project working in partnership with the local authority and a local conservation group to deliver flood resilience, wellbeing and biodiversity benefits to communities along the Beverley Brook. At WWT our focus for the project is on co-producing what we’re calling future-proofed neighbourhoods – giving individuals, households and neighbourhoods the knowledge and tools to adapt to the risks posed by climate change through SuDS and other nature-based solutions.

Experience and interests

  • Training and facilitation skills
  • Practical habitat management
  • Aviculture and animal husbandry
  • Volunteer management
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