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Dr Yoav Peled

Principal Research Officer, Environmental Economics

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About me

My passion for the environment drove me to pursue an MA and PhD in natural resources and environmental management at the University of Haifa. I became particularly interested in the interface between the natural world and socio-economic aspects and so specialized in the assessment and valuation of ecosystem benefits to society. Prior to joining WWT, I worked as a researcher in Reichman University, mainly working on ecosystem services and their monetary valuation under different contexts as well as natural capital accounting. Moving from theory to practice, I joined WWT to be involved in real-life conservation.

My role

My role as an environmental economist involves quantifying the various economic benefits that society derives from wetlands. By gaining insights into the flow of values from wetlands to society, I aim to enhance the consideration of environmental values in both decision-making processes and public perception. Additionally, I explore the interlinking mechanisms between the environment and the economy to better understand potential pathways for conservation and restoration.

Experience and interests

  • Ecosystem services valuation and modelling
  • Natural capital accounting
  • Geospatial analysis
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