WWT Futures 2013 Report - page 29

Wetland Futures Report 2013: The Value of Healthy Wetlands
What we want you to do:
Engage with the workshops, especially if you are
involved either from the sector itself or in working
with the sector.
To communicate case studies, new tools and good
practice as examples of how we have helped make
the connections between wetland values and
people’s lives, communicating this in a way that
audiences understand.
What we will do:
Develop a network for Wetland Futures to
communicate best practice and bring together case
studies and tools to help us in wetland conservation
What we want you to do:
Join us! Work with us to make the Wetland Futures
network a success, engage, let us know of new
tools, case studies, ideas, news that could be
disseminated, discuss, raise questions, debate, be
In two years time we need to have improved our
engagement and influence with politicians and
decision makers so that they understand the
importance and value of water and wetlands.
At the conference Peter Glaves quoted the much
quoted Owen Patterson as having said: “The purpose
of waterways is to get rid of water”.
Instead we would like to hear something along the
lines of:
“The purpose of wetlands and waterways is to act as
critical vehicles in the delivery of wildlife, wealth and
well being”.
This will involve not only asking politicians what they
need – but will also involve presenting information in a
way they will make them want to listen and respond.
What we will do:
Through the Wetland Futures network we will provide
the information and examples that are useful for
successful engagement with politicians, we will keep
the network updated with opportunities and events
where people can engage.
What we want you to do:
Use the information provided by Wetland Futures
to inspire you to engage with local politicians and
local authorities to understand how important local
wetlands are; and for bigger organisations to use as
evidence for influencing policy at a national level.
Debbie Pain, Director of Conservation for the Wildfowl and
Wetlands Trust brought the conference to a close very
enigmatically saying “
These are big challenges – but this
conference has left me feeling energised and optimistic
that, collectively, we can meet them.
I’ve learnt a great deal at this meeting and we’ve
discussed in detail how we might better make the
connections needed to conserve and manage our
wetlands to benefit people and wildlife.
Now let’s all go out and do it.”
Please help us meet these challenges and keep involved
with the discussion. Tell us what you would like from
wetland futures, we can’t make it work without you.
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@WetlandFutures #WetlandFutures
Tweet from Carlos Abrahams summarising the Wetland Futures
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