Wildfowl 63 - page 25

Review of Madagascar’s wildfowl
©Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
(2013) 63: 5–23
local and outside of the country have been
involved and fundamental to the overall
project and its many components. We are
indebted to our collaborators in this
programme, particularly the Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Ministry of
Higher Education, Zoology Department
at the University of Antananarivo,
Asity Madagascar, BirdLife International,
Conservation International, The Peregrine
Fund, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT)
and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
We hope that we have sufficiently
acknowledged the many individuals who
have helped us in other publications;
however, in a review such as this we must
further express our gratitude to the
following: the original inspiration and
encouragement for our wildfowl work
in Madagascar came from Olivier
Langrand, whose concern for the country’s
wildfowl was ahead of its time. Iahia Bin
Aboudou Abdallah (“Kassidi”), Aristide
Andrianarimisa, Andrew Bamford, Peter
Cranswick, Tim Dodman, Joanna Durbin,
John Fa, Anna Fiestner, Steve Goodman,
Andy Green, Frank Hawkins, Julian Hume,
Nigel Jarrett, David Jeggo, Janet Kear, Rivo
Rabarisoa, Aimée Céleste Rahelivololona,
Randrianasolo, Patrice Ravonjiarisoa,
Hanitra Razafindrahanta, Lily-Arison Rene
de Roland, Mark Roberts, Roger Safford,
Rob Shore, Jonathon Smith, Andrew Terry,
Sam The Seing, Murray Williams, Lucienne
Wilmé, Lance Woolaver and all our
colleagues at Durrell Wildlife Conservation
Trust in Jersey and Madagascar that assisted
in many areas over the years, have made all
this work possible and should share in the
project’s success – and be prepared for
further challenges! The authors are grateful
to Dubi Shapiro for kindly allowing us to
use his photographs of Madagascar Teal,
Meller’s Duck and Madagascar Pochard,
to Louise Jasper for permission to use
her Madagascar White-backed Duck
photograph, to Nicolas Cegalerba for an
additional Madagascar Teal photograph,
and to Tim Wright for producing the
distribution maps for the endemic ducks.
An earlier version of this review of
wildfowl in Madagascar was presented at
Pan African Ornithological Congress 12
in Rawsonville, South Africa. We are
grateful to Doug Harebottle and the
organisers of PAOC for allowing us to
publish the review in
. Eileen Rees,
Tony Fox, Andy Green and an anonymous
referee made invaluable suggestions for
improvements to earlier versions of this
Andriamampianina, J. 1976. Madagascar.
Smart (ed.),
Proceedings International Conference
on the Conservation of Wetlands and Waterfowl,
Heiligenhafen, Federal Republic of Germany,
6 December 1974
, pp
125–126. IWRB,
Slimbridge, England.
Birdlife International 2000.
Threatened Birds of the
Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain and
BirdLife International, Cambridge, UK.
BirdLife International 2013. Data Zone: Species.
(accessed in June 2013).
Burney, D.A., Pigott Burney, L., Godfrey, L.R.,
Jungers, W.L., Goodman, S.M., Wright, H.T.
& Jull, A.J.T. 2004. A chronology for late
prehistoric Madagascar.
Journal of Human
47: 25–63.
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