Connect with nature this autumn at Arundel

Autumn is a natural time of change and reflection. Nature’s palette shifts and migrating birds pass through on journeys south or arrive to stay the winter.

After the busy summer we also slow down and search for calm. We know that spending time in nature, especially around water, has been shown to reduce stress, enhance mood and reduce negative thoughts.

Nature connectedness (a term defined by studies from the University of Derby) takes these positive effects further, creating an experience more meaningful and deeper than simply being in nature when you explore using all your senses.

Join us to build your connection with nature this autumn to enhance your wellbeing. Engage your senses, feel the joy and beauty of the changing season around you and care for the natural world by supporting wetlands.

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Using your senses to explore

A stroll along our SSSI reedbed boardwalk immerses you with nature with the rustle and sway of the reeds, the squeal of water rail and scent of the last blooms of water mint. Watch for beautiful common darter dragonflies on the wing until the first frosts.

Enter the Wetland Secret Plants house rich with heady scents of drying wetland herbs and flowers. Touch the many textures of the plants and feel transported inside this cosy, thatched medieval building.

Ride in a quiet boat, low on the waters of the Wetland Boat Safari and feel the brush of towering reeds, hear the murmur of restless mallards and enjoy the flashes of roach and rudd darting below in the crystal clear water.

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Appreciate the beauty

The Waterside Walk offers you a new views of the autumn trees of the Offham hanger above the reserve. There is an abundance of benches here so sit back and experience autumn’s spectacle. Thrill to soaring buzzards, peregrine, red kites, sparrow hawks and kestrels or enjoy the murmur of ducks and swans on the water beside you.

As the afternoon closes in majestic marsh harriers arrive flying low over the reeds to drop in to roost – an inspiring sight from the Scrape and Reedbed hides. On Nov 9 & 12 we keep the wildlife hides open an extra hour to experience the evening roost.

Give yourself some quiet time in the hides to be still with nature - you may be rewarded with the flash of a kingfisher, a snipe breaking cover or a graceful grey heron. The jewel tones of the ducks and geese, earthy colours of the season and the low angle of light make this the best season for photography.

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Marsh harrier over the reedbeds by Ken Turner

Experience the wonder

A family pond dipping session gives you and your children (or grandchildren) a hands on, fun way to connect with nature together. Every weekend and all October half term discover the smallest creatures that are part of the wonder of wetlands. Book at the admissions desk on the day of your visit.

You mustn't miss a walk among wetlands birds of the Coastal Creek aviary. Graceful avocets, diving eiders and flighty redshank are all just inches away, with no barriers between you. Beautiful.

Nurturing nature

One of the best ways to connect with nature is to care for it. Become a WWT member and you are becoming an important advocate for both wetlands and the amazing wildlife they support. Without this commitment, we’d simply not be able to do what we do.

Find out more about the incredible things your membership money helps us to achieve and how to join the WWT family here.

Already a WWT member? Share your love of wetlands through gift memberships for family or friends. Ask at the centre for details.

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Ready to Visit

If you've been inspired to explore Arundel Wetland Centre this autumn and restore your wellbeing, find out more and plan your visit online.

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