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Donate a day to working in wetlands

Join on of our one-day winter work parties to save nesting spots this spring.

We need your help this Winter!!

We are beginning our annual winter habitat management projects. These projects involve cutting and clearing areas of fen, marsh and reedbed around the wild place onsite. All this activity is to ensure we have the correct conditions for wide variety of UK wetland wildlife needs for the nesting and breeding at Arundel Wetland Centre next year.

Can you help us clear these areas before Spring arrives? We are holding two one-day outdoor work shops on Sat 23 Nov and Sat 7 Dec. You just have to commit one day of your time, from 10 am to 3 pm and be willing to get dirty to work for wetlands. This is a great opportunity to help behind the scenes without having to make a large time commitment.

Reserve Supervisor Megan Randall said: "You don't need to have any experience working outdoors, in wetlands cutting or hauling. You just need to be over 18 years of age, comfortable working around water, physically fit and steady on your feet. We will be working in muddy areas where the terrain can be uneven."

If you want to volunteer you will need to wear your own weather-appropriate clothing and sensible footwear for the wet/muddy ground (we recommend wellies). Work gloves will be provided but feel free to bring your own if desired.

For full details and to book onto a work party visit our event page here.

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