Early Morning Expeditions at Arundel Wetland Centre

Early Birds & Boats and the Early Morning Photography workshops are two new events starting this spring at WWT Arundel Wetland Centre. Either of these early expeditions are a great way to begin your day.

The Early Morning Photography Workshops allow you to access the reserve at 7 am. Spend an hour with a professional photographer from Viewpoint Optics and get advice on how to get the best shot there and then before wandering the reserve with your camera for an hour in the quiet morning. Come back inside to enjoy a full English breakfast, all included in the price of £15. The workshop runs from 7 am to 9 am on Thursday 19 April. A second workshop will be held on Thursday 17 May. “Our own surveys show that 43 percent of our visitors are interested in photography” said Olivia Iles, Centre Manager “We hope offering early access to the reserve will help them get some great shots for the WWT Photography competition.”

Early Birds and Boats combines a 40 minute guided boat trip across the reedbeds of the Wetlands Discovery section of the reserve with a 40 minute walk along the reserve trails, accompanied by a birding expert. This is a fantastic opportunity to see a wide variety of wildlife on the reserve at a quieter time of day. You can book now for only £12per person on Saturday 16 or Sunday 17 June. A second event runs on Saturday 23 or Sunday 24. “More migrant birds are returning each day so there will be a lot to see” said Paul Stevens, Reserve Warden.

Members of The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust can also enjoy early openings and later closings once a month at Arundel Wetland Centre from April through September in 2012.

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