It's a BioBlitz on June 14-16


WWT Arundel Wetland Centre is holding a BioBlitz from June 14-16. BioBlitz is the latest ‘buzzword’ in native conservation – it is an intense period of biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within a designated area. Groups of scientists, naturalists and volunteers are conducting intensive studies over these three days at the wetland reserve in the South Downs National Park.

During the weekend WWT Arundel is hosting volunteers from Sussex Bat Group, Sussex Botanical Group, Sussex Amphibian & Reptile Group, and water vole researcher Rowenna Baker with students from the University of Brighton’s Biology and Biomedical Sciences Division. Moth expert Dr. Tim Freed will also participate, documenting the number of different species caught in moth traps onsite during Friday night.

Inside the reserve the BioBlitz will cover the ponds at the entrance to Arundel Wetland Centre and the wet meadow in the Woodland loop. “Teams will also survey outside our fences, along the Mill Stream and the edge of the SSSI reedbed that extends to the river.” said Paul Stevens, WWT Arundel Grounds Manager.

Many zoos and parks nationwide are conducting BioBlitzs this weekend at the urging of BIAZA (Britain and Ireland Association of Zoos and Aquariums).

WWT Grounds Manager Paul Stevens studies wildlife in the Wet Meadow in the Woodland Loop at WWT Arundel.
WWT Grounds Manager Paul Stevens studies wildlife in the Wet Meadow in the Woodland Loop at WWT Arundel.

Water vole researcher Rowenna Baker and students from Brighton University will be surveying the Mill Stream for descendants of voles released onto the WWT reserve in 2005.
Water vole researcher Rowenna Baker and students from Brighton University will be surveying the Mill Stream for descendants of voles released onto the WWT reserve in 2005.


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