Mooing mowers are back !
Highland cattle are helping trim the plants on the lapwing nesting grounds.
Six highland cattle are being used to trim the vegetation on the nesting grounds of lapwing in a sustainable way at Arundel Wetland Centre again this season.
One highland cow and 5 highland steers arrived in mid-August to graze the “wet grassland”, knocking back the vegetation more sustainably than using machinery. Their dung attracts beetles and worms, providing rich feeding grounds for nesting lapwing in springtime.
The cattle arrived on Fri 16 August and will stay until the end of October or when the ground gets too wet. The land the cattle are grazing, inside our fence but next to the Arun River, was traditionally grazing marsh. Medieval farmers walled off the rivers to create grazing land for sheep and cattle. These grazing marshes also attracted wild geese in winter and breeding waders like lapwing and redshank in spring.
Spring of 2024 was very wet and the lapwing at Arundel had no breeding success. Fingers crossed for spring 2025, with bugs and insects plentiful thanks to the grazing cattle.
In summer of 2023 we began with four highland cattle in but increased numbers that season as there was so much for them to eat. The cattle also dine on areas where visitors can't see, mainly the Black Rabbit Triangle near the pub.
We borrow these cattle from local farmer Scott Stone who handles heritage breeds. Scott has been lending us with Highland, Dexters and DexterXHighland for the past 4 years.

Reserve Manager Suzi Lanaway said, “These lovely Highlanders will help keep vegetation in check in the autumn months. Birds and wildlife aren’t bothered by the livestock -in fact the cattle egrets will enjoy the flies the cattle attract.”
Look out for the Highland cattle from the Ramsar Wildlife hide and the Lapwing Wildlife hide at Arundel Wetland Centre, open seven days a week from 10 am – 4.30 pm. Search WWT Arundel for more information.